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Our childhood

13 December, 2011
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29 November, 2011
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Today we are going to work on heteronyms, that is, words with more than one meaning. Let’s see who is the first pair of students to get all the words in


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Wasn’t that difficult, was it? Sometimes the trick is to read the definitions carefully.And of course, the pronunciation,which sometimes changes. When you do this exercise at home, if you have doubts about how the word is pronounced, go to howjsay . You can also use oddcast to put the word in Spanish and get the translation and pronunciation in English.

More exercises on one word two meanings:

heteronyms exercise 2

heteronyms exercise 3

heteronyms exercise 4

heteronyms exercise 5

heteronyms exercise 6

heteronyms exercise 7

heteronyms exercise 8

Armando and Eirene’s

20 November, 2011
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WEB 2.0 Tools

20 November, 2011
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Assumpta and Nuria’s programme

19 November, 2011

Superb interview!. Find out how being positive helps your health and what steps you should follow.


The girls also need help. Do write comments about their programme and point out some mistakes so that they improve their English.

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Julio and Mado’s programme

19 November, 2011
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Rosa and Gabriel’s Radio Programme

19 November, 2011

Haha! How to get extra money! Seems that we’ll need that soon!


Shall we help them improve their English? Write some interesting comment to their programme and include some mistakes you spot.


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Lucía and Elena’s radio programme

19 November, 2011

I have to admit after listening to you I feel like going to the exhibition. Well done. Elena, why were you so nervous?


Hey class, let’s help the girls improve their English. Make some comments about their programme and try to spot some mistakes to help them improve their English.

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Fernando’s Programme

19 November, 2011

Don’t miss this!! Fernando you are a genius! what a pity I didn’t have time to listen to this before! So hilarious!

Hey class, let’s help Fernando improve his English. How about giving him feedback on his programme and also try to point out some mistakes so that he tries not to make them next time?

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ALF & ALF radio programme.

19 November, 2011

Well done, Alfredo and Alfonso, very interesting information you give. I didn’t know about movistar offer!

Hey Pale ones, how about trying to write comments to this programme and also help the boys improve their English by telling them about some mistakes they have made. They are stars, but there is still room for improvement!

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